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The Actus Foundation

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Latest News

Anniversary Mass
The Actus Foundation

Amanda's Anniversary Mass was an incredible event. Thanks to Fr. Stephen Saffron and Aliexio and his angelic chanting. Click on the image download the invitation and program from the Mass.

Zanesville Ohio 1/18/19

The Actus Foundation

We were honored to join Javier Pena and Steve Murphy (Narcos on Netflix guys) for a talk to the joint meeting of three great Law Enforcement agencies: Ohio Narco, Ohio HIDTA and the Drug Task Force Officers Association

Zanesville Ohio 1/18/19

Click on the image above to see a local NBC News story about the event!

The Actus Foundation Presentation

We were honored to join Javier Pena and Steve Murphy (Narcos on Netflix guys) for a talk to the joint meeting of three great Law Enforcement agencies: Ohio Narco, Ohio HIDTA and the Drug Task Force Officers Association

Interesting Downloads

Some things you can download about our Foundation and Amanda

Pamphlet explaining The Actus Foundation and the work we do (pdf)

Pamphlet explaining The Actus Foundation and the work we do (pdf)

Pamphlet explaining Amanda's eternal connection to Venerable Anthony Vincent Gallo (pdf)

The Washington Post op-ed 09 20 18 (003) (pdf)

The Actus Foundation Presentation (pdf)

Program from Amanda's funeral Mass (pdf)

Program from Anniversary Requiem Mass on 1/12/19 (pdf)

Anniversary Invitation (already taken place) (pdf)

St Josaphat Lectures (pdf)